Catholics in Pakistan
Beliefs And Teachings

Gaudete Sunday – A joyful waiting in Advent

Suzanna Joseph

All over the world people are awaiting, for the vaccine for COVID-19. The human race is waiting for the pandemic to end. We are waiting for the paralyzed world to come back to our normal daily life.

Yes, my friends “Waiting” for something requires a lot of patience and courage. We human beings always wait in anticipation for things to happen immediately.

Let us pause for a moment and ask ourselves what is that we are waiting for? Let us remind ourselves that we are not alone.

During the season of Advent, we patiently wait for the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior who was born in a Manger.

Let us recall the biblical waiting where God waited in the days of Noah, for sinners to repent. Again, He waited for 40 years as the Israelis wandered in the desert and waited for them to be loyal to Him.

During this COVID19 God is waiting for us to change our ways and turn back to Him through penance, prayer and fasting. Although, God is fully aware of our weaknesses and our daily struggles, he still waits for us to fully reconcile ourselves and turn back to him mourning and weeping. Hence, we must wake up and return to Him, as he awaits our return.

Also Read:
Come Emmanuel, lead us from despair to hope
Faith: Walking in the shadow of COVID19

Let us reflect on our iniquities and seek His forgiveness knowing that he longs to show us His mercy during these difficult times.

Christ will come to us at Christmas and the Messiah will come for us at the end of time and hence we relish in this joyful waiting.

“Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him.” (Isaiah 30:18)

During the third Sunday in Advent, we light a rose candle, alternatively known as ‘Gaudete Sunday’. This is the Sunday of rejoicing because we have arrived at the midpoint of Advent. Our preparations are now half over and we are close to Christmas.

Let us meditate and pray

“O Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of Thy visitation. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.”

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